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August 2023 - APURNA™, ABORA™, PLAYBACK DESIGNS et les News 🇬🇧

Photo du rédacteur: phpaudiophpaudio


APURNA™ : the best amplifier

Vinyle&Audio reviewed SOPRANO Mono blocks in their latest 2023 edition (more powerful), conclusion is dithyrambic. Other reviews said the same in recent years L'AudiodeFrance,6 Moons,ON-MAG,Audiophilefr .

I should point out that the official APURNA™ website is not yet active and will be again this fall 2023. As the products/models/specifications informations on the official APURNA™ website are no longer up to date, only the PHPAUDIO® website (distributor/seller) presents the brand new 2023 models and up to date pricing.

APURNA™/ABORA™ prioritized the development of the new versions of the APURNA™ electronics, ABORA™ amplifier and the new APURNA™ AVA speakers at the website refurbishment.

I will be introducing the APURNA™ AVA™ in the September blog, a brand new model.

APURNA™ Prélude Integrated or amplifier only, 256 colors available


ABORA™ : a new Stereo amplifier and soon the matching preamp

ABORA™ A400S is a stereo amplifier of 2x200W @ 8𝛺 (2x400w @ 4𝛺) which uses APURNA™ technology, save some expensive raffinement only available on APURNA™.

The retail price is 19000 euros.

ABORA™ A400S will be at PHPAUDIO® around the end of August, ABORA™ Products will be on our PHPAUDIO® website in Septembre. A picture of the first unit in APURNA/ABORA™ Lab... 📸

ABORA™ A400S in Black or Silver



The Alamo Californian brand has just released a module for reading files in USB connection.

USB X4 is connected to your PLAYBACK Doc / DAC/PLAYER with a P-LINK fiber optic. Derived from MPS-X streamer, this module uses a high-precision clock and proprietary software to process PCM signals up to 384kHz and DSD up to 4x. The sound is much more fluid and the whole restitution more dynamic and analog. Its price is 3990 euros TTC.



HARMONIX : New RF-999a+ Million Maestro

COMBAK CORP. launches a base very close to RF-999M but less thick, the RF-999a+. It works with all HARMONIX cones and especially with the new RS-777 M Million Maestro. Base diameter is 73mm and height is 18mm. A useful base when your installation does not allow to use bases + cones very high. The set of 4 bases RF-999a+ is at 1980 euros TTC


AUDIONET : I stop the brand, thank you to Stephan for the pleasant years.



Listening test of PRANAWIRE MASTER GROUND SYSTEM ... you never listened to the full potential of your system !




Merci à Olivier pour la découverte du Shostakovich lors d'une écoute privée 🎶


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